Thursday Mar 14, 2019
GraceNotes: Grace Becomes Us (March 15, 2019)
Thursday Mar 14, 2019
Thursday Mar 14, 2019
The mind in which grace lights a flame becomes, in time, a different mind. By nature and by nurture, we’re self-absorbed and focused on what brings us gain, what brings us fame. The path of least resistance leads us to our touted rights, and often—yes—our touted righteousness. We are the measure of all things: we sort and filter for what gives us points, what gives us power, what adds to our advantage. But when the grace of a supremely other-centered God breathes through the “heats of our desire,” the self-absorption starts to wane, and we begin to be the kinder, wiser souls we’ve sometimes ached to be. We hear the broken, and remember we were broken, too. We see the wounded, and we search for bandages of love. We touch the hurting with a gentleness learned from the Healer who never, ever hurries. Grace turns us from unhelpful fools into new humans, wise and warm. The grace that saves us also makes us gracious. So stay in grace. -Bill Knott
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Tuesday Mar 12, 2019
Marvene Thorpe-Baptiste, An Accidental Witness (March 2019)
Tuesday Mar 12, 2019
Tuesday Mar 12, 2019
Marvene Thorpe-Baptiste is the editorial assessment coordinator for Adventist Review.
Monday Mar 11, 2019
Journeys With Jesus: The Dreaded Diagnosis (March 2019)
Monday Mar 11, 2019
Monday Mar 11, 2019
"Journeys with Jesus" is an intimate, personal look at the walk we all have with our Savior. Inspirational, heart-tugging, thought-provoking vignettes of life's journey and life's decisions. Most of all, it points us to our Father, our Friend, as the Source of all wisdom, comfort, and peace. www.adventistreview.org
Thursday Mar 07, 2019
GraceNotes: Always Amazing (March 8, 2019)
Thursday Mar 07, 2019
Thursday Mar 07, 2019
Fast-forward, if you can, to scenes our hearts are aching to be in. Redeemed at last from all the brokenness, the pettiness, the pain of earthly life, we stand before the throne with those from every nation, tribe, and people, breathing in the air of heaven and singing at the top of our lungs, “Salvation belongs to our God” (Rev 7:10). Does even one hand go up to get the Lord’s attention? — “I need to be sure my good deeds are recorded, that my sacrifice is written down somewhere.” “Preposterous,” you say—and right you are. It’s simply unimaginable that anyone who’s covered by the blood of Jesus would take some credit for a rescue owing just to Him. So why is it we now persist in counting up our virtues? Isn’t it evidence enough that we too often fail to grasp the overwhelming, undergirding goodness of our God? Grace is better than we first believed, more sweeping than we now believe, more joyous than we’ll ever believe. Put down your hand. Lift up your voice. The grace will always be amazing. So stay in grace. -Bill Knott
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Friday Mar 01, 2019
GraceNotes: All Are Gifted (March 1, 2019)
Friday Mar 01, 2019
Friday Mar 01, 2019
We are wary for good reasons. We’ve had too much of hurt, of wounds, of promises that didn’t deliver. Nothing “too good to be true” should ever be believed. But grace presents us with impossibly good things—all backed up by the God who cannot lie and never exaggerates. “As far as the east is from the west, so far He removes our transgressions from us” (Ps 103:12). “A new heart I will give you, and a new spirit I will put within you” (Eze 36:26).Was there ever better news? Can the God we’ve so much offended be the same who offers us a rich, forgiven, guilt-free life when we believe in Jesus? “In Him every one of God’s promises is a ‘Yes’” (2 Cor 2:20).Grace is the gift we’ll never earn from Him whose love we’ll never lose. What once we thought impossible is true and free and good—and ours. So stay in grace. -Bill Knott
Note: If you are blessed by GraceNotes, we invite you to subscribe.
Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
GraceNotes: Grace Has A Face (Feb 22, 2019)
Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
I bless them all—the friends who didn’t back away when I said clumsy, foolish things, or added insult to an injury. I bless the ones who held me in the grip of grace before I had an inkling they were doing anything at all. I call to mind the line of kind, consistent people who forgave before I knew how much I had offended, who didn’t hold my sins against me, or wait to even up the score. I thank the Lord who taught them grace that when my life was stirred by grace, I had a living, breathing demonstration standing right beside me. Grace has a face—or faces, actually—one, two or ten who make the gospel come to life by holding, healing, loving, serving. They are my church, my backstop, my community. Because of them, I dare to do some gracious act that covers sin or heals pain. They’ve made a choice, and so have I. We stay in grace. -Bill Knott
Note: If you are blessed by GraceNotes, we invite you to subscribe.
Thursday Feb 14, 2019
GraceNotes: Freely Received and Gladly Given (Feb 15, 2019)
Thursday Feb 14, 2019
Thursday Feb 14, 2019
Until we grasp how much we’ve been forgiven, it will always seem unwise and difficult to forgive those who sin against us. When we forgive another person, we abandon our leverage over them; release the debt they owe us; throw open prison doors. This is a graciousness we can’t summon from within: until we’ve received God’s grace, we have none to give to others. You can’t wring kindness from a stone, or from a stony, unforgiven heart. But “the grace of God has appeared to all” (Titus 2:11), making possible our own redemption, and then the healing of our friendships, marriages, and communities. Grace truly received always becomes grace given. So stay in grace. -Bill Knott
Note: If you are blessed by GraceNotes, we invite you to subscribe.
Thursday Feb 07, 2019
GraceNotes: New and Better Stories (Feb 8, 2019)
Thursday Feb 07, 2019
Thursday Feb 07, 2019
Imagine—only for a moment—your life without the grace of God. Every foolish act of adolescence; every spiteful, angry word you’ve said; every broken relationship would trail after you like dragging cannonballs uphill. There could be no forgiveness, but only possibly forgetfulness. All things wounded would never heal. The sun would never rise on faith or hope or possibilities. But we rejoice that grace has come to us in Jesus—that our stories are forever changed for better. So grace always opens into gratitude. We celebrate a rescue we could never accomplish because of what Christ accomplished for us. And He ever lives—it is His joy—to intercede for us, to turn our painful histories into stories that will bless and lift the world. So stay in grace. -Bill Knott
Note: If you are blessed by GraceNotes, we invite you to subscribe.
Monday Feb 04, 2019
Lael Caesar: Races (Feb 2019)
Monday Feb 04, 2019
Monday Feb 04, 2019
Lael Caesar is the associate editor of the Adventist Review magazine and loves his brothers and sisters across the world.
Thursday Jan 31, 2019
GraceNotes: Healed—And Healed Again (Feb 1, 2019)
Thursday Jan 31, 2019
Thursday Jan 31, 2019
So let’s admit it: we are afraid because bad things have happened in our past, and everything in us shudders at ever being hurt again. Life’s all about negotiating risk, we say, and so we bravely sanctify our fears with strategies to hide the dread that we might end unloved and all alone. But Jesus says, “My grace is enough for you” (2 Cor. 12:9, CEB)—enough for all our hidden wounds and public failures, enough for all the times when we’ve concluded that we can be either well-loved OR well-known, but never both. Grace is a healing antidote to fear, repairing and rebuilding whatever sin has poisoned, blighted or corroded. The worst that can be said of us turns out—amazingly—to be a gorgeous anthem to God’s never-ending, always-reaching love. So stay in grace. -Bill Knott
Note: If you are blessed by GraceNotes, we invite you to subscribe.